Saturday, March 27, 2010

New 'do!

Mommy never seems to be satisfied with my haircuts. I'm almost 3 and I've never had what she thinks is a perfect haircut! Usually the groomers leave too much beard hair and I get it all wet when I drink. Finally, a groomer listened to her and shaved it all off - and now she thinks I look weird!

Mommy and Daddy have been on spring break and have been making lots of noise and a huge mess in the bathroom downstairs and they have been making us stay upstairs a lot. I snuck downstairs last night but forgot to take the camera, so I will post pictures soon to show you what they have been up to!

Before haircut:

After haircut:


  1. Hi Cody,

    You look grrreat! different, butt great!

    Luv ya new look!

    Riley and Sar.

  2. Yoshi, you are a cutie and you do NOT look weird. (That was hard to paw out. We kept typing out wired, not weird.) xxoo

    So ... are ya ready for nearly 80° temperatures tomorrow? Colorado walkies, here we come!!!

    Jake and Fergs
